AD Watch – Women in Supplement Ads

A new feature I’ll be posting from time to time is AD-WATCH. Ads that feature the women in the fitness industry and how the women are portrayed. Seen an ad that’s caught your eye? Drop me a line and let me know.

A copywriter out of New York called attention to a Gaspari Nutrition ad recently in his blog. The ad in question features fitness model, Marzia Prince and one of the supplement company’s products. The headline reads, “THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER BOX ON THE PLANET”. Below is the ad and the blogger’s comments. What are your thoughts?

DON’T read too much into this ad…
Well, it’s certainly one way to make sure consumers stare lustily at your product. That’s “famous” fitness “supermodel” Marzia Prince, 2007 Ms. “Bikini Universe” (here’s her myspace page), classily shilling for some body building supplement in a recent copy of Iron Man magazine, of which I am not a subscriber. At least she’s spreading her wings a bit, I guess. Anyway—we now have a female ad companion to the Warehouse One dick-in-a-box ad; though it’s not the first time we’ve seen a product placed directly in front of a coochie. related: ABSOLUT VAGINA. (ad posted by MultiCultClassics) update: believe it or not, I am getting REALLY tired of posting this brand of witless ads…

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.