SAY WHAT? Taco Bell’s Drive-Thru Diet Menu

It’s that time of year when we see all kinds of gimmicks to lose weight and shed the holiday pounds. Many people’s New Year’s resolutions include getting in shape or losing weight. There are fat loss pills, dietary supplements and  improved exercises that promise to help trim our waist line. Fast food joints aren’t typically part of this conversation unless it is to avoid eating at them. One of those establishments many would consider avoiding while trying to eat healthy is Taco Bell. Taco Bell isn’t known for their healthy food. Whenever I  hear Taco Bell encourage me to “Think Outside the Bun” I think cheap, fast and fairly disturbing food that would taste better in a bun. Now they’re attempting to encourage people to make healthier choices. As their web site, states…

As you know, the Drive-Thru Diet® menu is not a weight-loss program. It’s about making different choices. For me, I didn’t want to cut out my fast food so I started choosing Fresco items from the Drive-Thru Diet® menu and making other sensible choices. I reduced my daily calorie and fat intake by 500 calories to 1250 calories a day, and, after two years, I ended up losing 54 pounds! These results aren’t typical, but for me they were fantastic!

I like how they say “as you know” and “not a weight-loss program”. I guess putting the word “diet” in the campaign and domain name should cause everyone to automatically know that of course this isn’t a weight-loss program. Noooo, when the word “diet” it used it never means that. Come on.


It looks like Taco Bell is trying to be the next SUBWAY. Subway successfully marketed Jared for eating nothing but Subway for a year. Sorry but Taco Bell’s spokeswoman, Christine is no Jared. Christine tells people she’s lost 54lbs by reducing her calories and replacing her usual fast food with the Taco Bell’s Drive-Thru Diet. Errkay.

Is this what America has come to and how we are encouraging people to lose weight? Are diet and exercise, like, so last decade and the Drive-Thru Diet is the wave of the next decade?

I  hope not.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.