Erin Stern’s Sprintroduction School

One of the top IFBB Figure Pros, Erin Stern is serving up a healthy dish with her “Sprintroduction”.  Check out these great tips!


Figure falls under the realm of bodybuilding, but many girls now realize that we don’t have to train like bodybuilders to get great results.  This means we can stay leaner year-round.  We also don’t have to spend hours on the treadmill trying to get to contest shape and weight.  It just takes a couple of sprint workouts per week.  However, girls hit the pavement…or the treadmill expecting results, and just end up with shin splints and/or a pair of worn out sneakers.  In the next few paragraphs we’ll go over how to successfully get started with sprinting.

Get off the treadmill.  Now that you’re off the treadmill, get off the pavement.  Nothing puts more wear and tear on joints, ligaments, and tendons than asphalt.  “Where should I sprint?” you ask.  Find a soccer field, a rubberized track, or any flat, grassy surface.  Google maps is a great tool for finding a place to run, and you can also take an afternoon to scout for a location.  Your bones will thank you! Get a good pair of running shoes and socks. Test them out in the store…don’t be shy!

For the workouts, eat a healthy meal about an hour before you run.  It doesn’t have to be a big meal -  20g of carbs and 20g of protein. You don’t want to run without fueling your body.  Also, have a whey protein shake and some simple carbs for immediately after your workout.  (And don’t forget your water).

Spend 5-10 minutes warming up – jog lightly, do some drills, and some 50-80 meter accelerations (which is about half to ¾ of a football field).  Your first few weeks outside should be geared more towards getting accustomed to sprinting and conditioning your body.  A great starter workout on the track or on the soccer/footbal field is to run 8×100 meters.  On the track, you’ll run the straight-a-way, and walk the curve for the recovery.  On the field, you’ll run the long sides of the field, and walk the short sides.  Your first time out, you may only run at 60-70% maximum speed, which is fine.  Work toward increasing the intensity as your body gets accustomed to the workouts.  Always finish with a light jog or walk, and remember to stretch.

You’ll find that the workouts go by very quickly – you can warm up, sprint, and cool down in less time than you’d spend toiling away on the treadmill.  You’re going to burn more calories throughout the day and enjoy a leaner, more balanced physique.  Happy sprinting, figure athletes!!

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.