Sports Stylist® Hardbody Tip – Get Your Shine On

Cindy, The Sports Stylist®, has a great tip for getting your shine on. Take note of the best way to glow for your next photo shoot.

If you arrive on set and the photographer needs you to do your own “shine” to get your skin glowing, the best products you to use are: baby oil, Neutragena body oil, and any sort of lotion that has shea butter in it. All these products (used lightly) will make the skin glisten and sheen. What you don’t want is a product that has glitter or adds pink or white “highlights” to the skin – these all look very unnatural on camera. Make sure once you oil up you don’t rub your hands over your skin and then touch your clothing as it will show up on film.

Check out more styling tips on Cindy’s Blog.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.