Paris Hilton Training to Be a Bodybuilder?

File this in the ridiculous celebrity news of the week folder.  Recently, Paris Hilton has been rumored to have taken a liking to bodybuilding. SAY WHAT? Yes, the same wafer-ish reality tv star better known for like, you know, her like. smarts. Wait, that’s not true and neither is the story that she’s taking up bodybuilding any time soon.

She is however eating healthy and working out thanks to the help of her trainer boyfriend Cy Waits. Paris’ latest tv show is called, “The World According to Paris and said to give viewers a look into the mega-star’s everyday life. Which apparently now includes a “3,500 calories-a-day diet coupled with a high-intensity cardio and weight-lifting regime to change her body shape.” At least according to The story also says, “She’s even drinking body-builders’ protein shakes in a bid to add muscle to her previously stick-thin frame.” Paris recently showed of her more muscular figure at a Sao Paulo fashion show last week.

What kind of protein drink do you think she’s having? What’s the over/under odds that it’s Muscle Milk?

Don’t care? Ya, don’t blame you but hey gotta give her props she’s working out and thanks to the help of her trainer (and not some type of toning shoes…yet) she’s getting fit.

At any rate, Paris dismissed the rumor on her twitter account. As if anyone REALLY believes she will come close to a “bodybuilder’s” physique.

Perhaps we’ll see Paris and her boyfriend at the Arnold Sports Expo next month?

©Rueters Photo via

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