Hardbody Style’n Tip – “Everything in Moderation”

Our resident style’n guru Cindy Whitehead aka The Sports Stylist® usually shares some insight on clothing but this week she’s mixing it up a bit. She gives some great style’n advice about eating on a shoot. Ladies take this to heart. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. If you’re chowing down like it’s your last supper on a shoot, the client may not invite you back. I know it’s happened. Don’t be THAT model.

Eating Part 1:
No one expects you to be perfect. But clients also do not expect you to have 3 donuts and a slice of cake at lunch when you are shooting swimwear or workout wear that day. One of the fitness models told me something that is great advice: “everything in moderation” she said this as she had one scrumptious bite of mud pie at lunch. That same weekend went on to win her division at a show. We all got an email on Monday (after her win) saying “remember what I said, everything in moderation”. Such great advice.

Check out Cindy’s blog at cindywhitehead.blogspot.com. She’s also one to follow on  twitter.com (@sportsStylist).

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.