Hardbody Style’n With Cindy – Fuel for Photo Shoots

Cindy Whitehead aka The SportsStylist® works with a variety of models every years. She styles shoots for Muscle & Fitness HERS, Nike, Wrangler and tons more. That being said she’s seen a number of things throughout the years of what to do and not do related to photo shoots. She has a simple but important tip on eating.


In a previous tip I touched on moderation and eating your face off on a shoot. On the other side of eating was the girl who had starved all week, came to set with no energy and almost fainted 3 times under the hot lights. So once again – everything in moderation. Eat foods that fuel you with out bloat, know what things will give you long lasting energy and perk you up for a few hours. This makes the day go so much smoother for you and the crew and your shots will look gorgeous since you are not tired and hungry.

Check out Cindy’s blog at cindywhitehead.blogspot.com. She’s also one to follow on  twitter.com (@sportsStylist).

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.