Hardbody Poll – Vote For Your Favorite Spring Cover

Spring is upon us and the fitness magazines are leading the way with tips on how to “blast fat”, “burn more calories” and “get sexy”. According to our last poll, the three most popular fitness magazines you enjoy are Fitness RX for Women, Muscle & Fitness HERS and Oxygen. The current covers each take a different approach and we want to know which is YOUR favorite cover.

Fitness RX for Women features IFBB Bikini Pro India Paulino. India is shown jumping for joy and the lead is INSTANT ENERGY!

India Paulino - Fitness RX

Muscle & Fitness HERS features IFBB Bikini Pro Jennifer Andrews. Jennifer is shown holding a kettlebell on her shoulder and the lead is GET SEXY with K-BELLS.

Jennifer Andrews - Muscle & Fitness HERS

Oxygen showcases IFBB Pro Elaine Goodlad with the lead GET YOUR FLAT BELLY. Elaine is quoted on the cover, “At 48, I’ve never felt better!”

Elaine Goodlad - Oxygen Magazine


Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.