Spring Training Guide – Weeks 1 & 2

Summer is quickly approaching and thanks to Bodybuilding.com you can mix up your Spring Training with a new workout. Check out the training, nutrition and supplement plan designed to help you get the body you want. It might be a beginner’s guide for some of you but take a look at some of the training and you might pick up a new exercise or two.



  • Use light weight and higher reps at the beginning of the workout to help enhance blood flow to muscles and burn more calories as you train.
  • With each circuit you’ll go heavier and use lower reps to stimulate your fast-twitch muscle fibers and keep your body in fat-burning mode after the workout is over.
  • Focus on compound movements to maximize the amount of work done in this short, full-body routine.
  • To keep your heart rate up, you’ll perform five minutes of cardio between each circuit at 70-75% maximum heart rate (MHR).
  • Use an average tempo like 2/1/2 (two seconds to lower the weight, one second pause, and two seconds to lift it) to ensure you perform each exercise properly.
  • Perform 45-60 minutes of cardio on your cardio days, working at 75% of your MHR.

The Workout Split

Day 1: Upper-body Circuit, Abs
Day 2: Lower-body Circuit
Day 3: Cardio, Abs
Day 4: Upper-body Circuit, Abs
Day 5: Lower-body Circuit
Day 6: Cardio, Abs
Day 7: Rest

Visit Bodybuilding.com for the complete overview and exercises. There’s also some helpful info on nutrition as well.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.