Hardbody Road To The Olympia: Teresa Anthony Update

IFBB Figure Pro stops by and talks for the first time where her heads and what it’s like competing before the Olympia. Teresa also talks about the challenge of prepping for a show while working full-time at a “regular” job. She’s just one week out from the biggest show of the year and she’s ready to rock.

1 week out
By Teresa Anthony

I competing in the Tournament of Champion in California as a warm up show, third place…not bad at all. I return from California Sunday afternoon, one show down… one more to go. Rebounding from one show to another is sometimes mentally challenging for me. Getting a little taste of food you have craved for months can be a little tough to give up… so the key is stay focused and keep your eye on the next goal.

The TOC gave me a chance a experiment with a fuller look (for my physique anyway), which I was satisfied with the look I bought to the stage. My main goal for the Olympia is to bring a tighter yet fuller look and enjoy the moment. Here we go…

The week after the TOC has been a challenging one, between work which is always hectic during September because of the end of the Government fiscal year and trying to maintain my training and dieting regime. On Monday, I was back in the gym at 4:45 am doing cardio (working off some good food I had with friends) and then off to my work day and gym again. The first three days after the show has been tough, my mind and body was exhausted but I had no time for slacking. So with that said, I modified my workouts by super-setting my workouts for no more 45 minutes weighting training and 30 minutes cardio (moderate intensity). My thinking was if I could get a little rest for those three days, it would assist me in getting back to my regular regime. By that Thursday physically I was well rested and back on regular regime full speed.

So here we are 1 week out from the Olympia… maintaining my current weight, practicing my stage presence and just trying to stay as stress free as possible is my main goal for the next few day. Check in later y’all…


Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.