Oksana Grishina – Stay Positive & Avoid Distractions

Oksana Grishina stops by to give us an update on her Road to The Arnold. She talks about the types of food on her nutrition plan, avoiding distractions and staying positive.


Hi Hardbody Fans!

Time is passing so fast… it’s hard to believe I’ll be leaving for the Arnold Classic in just 3 weeks! I’m excited and getting ready to go. My shape gets better every day, but I get more tired every day, as well, lol. My performance and costume are ready, and I’m now working to build and maintain my stamina. Of course, at this point, it’s so important to avoid injury, so I’m focused on being smart and safe in all my workouts. I can’t afford any distractions.

No matter what class you compete in, these last few weeks of dieting are very hard. Individual competition, by its nature, is a very selfish pursuit, and this is most clear as you get close to a contest. Body, mind and emotion are all so sensitive, and that focus on self, and the specific work of prepping for a contest, is the way to stay safe and strong in these final weeks before the show. I’m trying hard to stay positive, and I will bring that positive energy with me to the Arnold stage.

People often ask me about my diet and how it changes as my prep goes along. The foods I eat stay pretty much the same. I eat mostly vegetables and protein–fish, chicken, and egg whites. I get fat from avocado and nuts. My carb intake is way down, but what carbs I do get come from potatoes, rice and oatmeal. I’ve found food that works for me. It’s boring but, this close to the contest I don’t care about taste, only about what gets results, so boring doesn’t bother me. Of course, I am so thankful to my sponsor, SAN Nutrition, for supporting me with their nutritional supplements. Without supplements, it would be very hard to maintain the energy and focus I need to stay strong and safe through hard workouts while on a strict diet.

I’m going to take a break from my acting classes until after the Arnold. I love my classes, but they take up a lot of time, which is so valuable to my contest prep right now. Acting also demands so much of me, emotionally. I love how it gives me a chance to exercise very different aspects of myself but, for now, my focus has to be on fitness. Thankfully, with my passion for fitness and acting, I will continue to have great opportunities to explore and develop my physical, mental and emotional potential…and I will always be a work in progress, lol. See you in Columbus!!

Love ya!

IFBB Fitness Pro

Follow Oksana on twitter at @OksanaGrishina and like her Facebook page.

For more information on the Arnold Sports Festival visit www.arnoldsportsfestival.com and use #ASF2013 in all your tweets.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.