Yeshaira Robles’ Hardbody Road to The Arnold

Yeshaira Robles stops by with an update on her Arnold prep. If you’ve ever prepared for a competition with your significant other you know it’s often a roller coaster of emotions. Yeshaira shares a candid conversation she was faced with over cooking fish and shares her go-to recipe for cooking turkey.

Yeshaira Robles Bikini


What’s up Hardbodies?!

3 weeks “Holla”!  My prep is going great and I keep seeing lots of changes every week.  I look like a 12 year old because I’m getting tiny. I haven’t had a cheat meal. I will have one when I deserve one, reason why is becasue I was enjoying it during prep 8, 7 and 6 weeks out. OK, so I had one poptart when I was 5 weeks out but that was it. I’m hoping to reach my target weight by Valentine’s Day so that Marco can take me out for some sushi yum.

Marco and I have been playing around with different recipes. We try to make our food enjoyable rather then say “ugh” and “I have to eat this.”  I have to share this story with you guys. I told Marco the other day to please take out the fish from the fridge so that I can bake it when I get home. When I got home he had already prepared and cooked my fish. The next morning I leave for work with my meals. When its time for me to eat, I go down to the cafeteria and pull out the fish. When I tell you that fish tasted like it was from the sea oh man it did.

Marco came to pick me up from work that day, I told him “babe, Thanks for cooking the fish for me. What did you season it with?”

Marco: “Why?”

Me: “Because it tasted like fish.”

Marco: “It IS fish.”

Me:  “I mean fish like if I fished it out from the sea.”

Marco: “You know what I ain’t never cooking for you again.”

Me: “I mean I’m not saying nothing bad I’m just asking,” LOL. I think its best that I prepare my own food anyways haha.

See some of my prep videos on Youtube.

Soon we will be in Columbus! I can’t wait.

Until next time Keep Training Hard =D

Yeshaira Robles

Follow Yeshaira on twitter @yeshaira and “like” her Facebook fan page. You can keep up to date on Yeshaira’s YOUTUBE channel as well.

Read More on Yeshaira’s Road to The Arnold.


Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.