IFBB’s Valerie Waugaman brings the “Green Goddess” to fruition

We received this in an email from Olympia bound IFBB figure pro, Valerie Waugaman

As many of you know, one of my main passions in life is educating the youth of our world to live healthier, happier lives. I have been talking about developing a super heroine character, the Green Goddess, to spread awareness of the importance of having powerful goals, and taking care of our bodies with healthy food and exercise. Well, I’m no longer just talking……with the help of many supporters, I am taking ACTION. The Green Goddess is truly coming alive and she needs your help. So far, we have acquired the help of a true character artist out of L.A. by the name of Dan Panosian. He agreed to help us develop the character so we can really bring her to life for live school programs, movies, video games, etc. (check out his amazing work at www.danpanosian.com)


Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.