IFBB Figure pro & cover model, Jessica Paxson-Putnam signs with Weider Publications

Congratulations to Jessica and her husband Peter for their continued success. The two have both signed with the most respected publication in the fitness industry, Weider Publications. Jessica and Peter are both popular competitors and genuine nice people.

FLEXonline.com reports:
PETER PUTNAM & JESSICA PAXSON-PUTNAM: For the first time in Weider history, a married couple has been signed, something the Putnams are very proud of. That’s not to say they’re both not strong candidates in their own right. Peter, like Curry, earned his place among the top competitors in the NPC with impressive showings in the two biggest amateur contests of the year, the 2007 USA Bodybuilding Championships in July and the NPC Nationals in November. Peter narrowly missed out on earning his pro card at both shows, winning the light-heavyweight class at the USAs before placing second in the light heavies at the Nationals. Jessica, who appeared on the cover of the 2007 FLEX swimsuit issue, is one of top competitors in the figure ranks — she earned her pro card by winning her class at the 2005 Junior Nationals and has placed in the top five in three of her four professional contests, including a win at the 2006 New York Pro Figure show.

Jessica shown here with fellow IFBB Pro figure competitor,
Jeanette Freed at the 2007 Olympia Expo.

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