Will Santa visit the Pomponio-Pate house on time?

Christine Pomponio-Pate, one of my friends & favorite competitors in the figure industry, is less than one month out from her first child. Christine and her husband Jim’s new addition to the family is expected to arrive on Christmas day. Christine is an IFBB Figure pro and popular fitness model. She’s been featured in several magazines and if you’re around the Denver (and not living in a cave) area you’ve certainly seen her as the spokes model for American Furniture Warehouse.

ME: How ya feeling?
Christine: It’s getting close and I am nervous!

ME: Why ya nervous?
Christine: I’m nervous because I don’t know what to expect. I’m excited though.

ME: Are you going to put in for the Arnold? LOL
Christine: I think I actually could, I’ve only gained 17lbs.

ME: 17lbs? Get out. You used to gain more than that in your “off-season”.
Christine: That’s funny you’re right. I think I would gain that in one week following a contest. I’m not kidding.

ME: Well you look great. You and Jim will make awesome parents.
Christine: Thank you so much! Jim’s mom told me he weighed 10lbs and 4 ounces! Holy Crap! That’s a painful thought!

Thanks for the update Christine and best wishes to you and Jim!

A shot of Christine 28 weeks pregnant.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.