IFBB Figure Pro, Mavis “Soon To be Mommy” Tozzi

IFBB Figure Pro Mavis Tozzi has been keeping a low profile lately and when I chatted with her fellow Floridian, Christine Wan, I prodded to hear what she was up to. The last I spoke with Mavis she told me her and her husband were trying to have a child. Well I’m happy to report that months later their practicing has paid off and the couple is expecting a baby boy. Mavis shared with me that she is 20 weeks into her pregnancy as of today. The new addition to the Tozzi household is schedule to arrive on October 10th, three days before proud momma’s 42nd birthday.

She shared, “I’m bound and determined to have this child out before I turn another year older!”

Rest assured those of you reading and concerned about her having a child at this age. She told me that she is well aware of the potential complications and she did the amnio test and the results showed all is great. Momma is feeling good and is adjusting to her body getting bigger rather than shrinking. Mavis is thrilled and looking forward to the new chapter in her life. Congrats Mavis! All the best in the weeks ahead during your pregnancy


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