2008 IFBB California Pro Figure Results


Just came back from the IFBB & NPC California, I think there were 204 competitors for the entire evening, which made an incredible long day. Prejudging ended around 3:45pm, while the finals ended at 11pm. Here are the results for the 2008 IFBB California Pro Figure. And congratulations on Sara Hurrle for winning the overall at the NPC California.

1. Felicia Romero
2. Heather Mae French
3. Kristi Tauti
4. Huong Arcinas
5. Darlina Brown
6. Heather Green
7. April Fortier
8. Hazal Nelson
9. Andrea Dumon
10. Michelle Mayberry
11. Meriza DeGuzman
12. Zhanna Rotar
13. Angela Terlesky
14. Petra Mertl
15. Waleska Valle
16. Nicole Pritcher-Scott
17. Stacy Clary
17. Maria Del Consuelo Figueroa
17. Nancy Georges
17. Leandro Celeste Gonzalez
17. Yamanaka Kiyoko
17. Anna Larsson
17. Leslie Morris
17. Kirsten Nicewarner
17. Tammy Strome
17. Masae Tagami

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.