Foxy Felicia The Day After Her Victory

I had a chance to shoot with one of the IFBB’s hottest figure pros, Felicia Romero, the day after her California Pro victory. We shot on Rodando Beach where the weather sucked for the most part of the day but once the sun broke we took advantage of it. She is an incredible model and it’s not by chance she has graced the covers of Muscle & Fitness Hers and FLEX’s swimsuit issue (the current issue – make sure you check it out). Her manager, JM Manion, allowed me to shoot in between his shoots with her and I’m happy to shoot one of the IFBB’s rising stars. Keep an eye on her as she is preparing for the Houston Pro show which will be held on July 4th. She has all the makings to win the show and go on to do well at the 2008 Figure Olympia. Here’s a few shots from our shoot…

A Beautiful Divide of the Mother Nature and Civilization.

Felicia is on the prowl for another victory in Houston.

Felicia makes any photographer’s job easy.

Not everyday you see this on the beach.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.