What’s with the negative attitudes?

My rant for the week and keep in mind this is only my opinion but based on first-hand experience the last few of weeks.

Competitors, you choose to be part of the fitness and figure industry. No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to compete. Why bother if all you’re going to do is piss and moan about judging, where you placed and how tired you are? Why take out your lack of carbs on your boyfriends, husbands and friends? It’s not their fault you are depriving yourself of sweets and various foods. Competing should be fun and a journey where you learn about yourself, setting goals and having a sense of accomplishment. When you are doing hours of cardio and depriving yourself of carbs; of course you’re tired and exhausted but it’s not a free ticket to be a bitch. I see it all to often where competitors go into their own little bubble (men and women) and alienate the people who care about them the most. I’ve competed twice so I know the feeling and can relate but it’s not healthy nor should it be an excuse. I’d encourage everyone to have a sense of balance this competitive season and take a step back before ripping someone’s head off. Be thankful for your health and the opportunity to compete.

Two competitors stood out this month and I applaud their positive attitudes. Lenay Hernandez competed for the first time on the National level stage and turned pro. When I spoke with her she glowed and was on cloud nine about her victory. She had every right to be proud and on top of the world, she proved all the negative people wrong who want to cry “politics” or “paying your dues”. She showed up on top of her game and did her thang. Her happiness and positive outlook was refreshing. Call it naive or what you will but I like it. The second competitor is Celeste Gonzalez who showcased a winning attitude despite being out of the top ten at the Cal Pro show. Celeste was very appreciative to be in the United States and compete in the IFBB. She lives in the Canary Islands of Spain and it’s not the easiest route to get to the US for a competition. Instead of complaining about where she placed she was elated to be in the US, have the opportunity to do photo shoots and visit Venice Beach. She’s a reminder that those of us in the United States have many more opportunities than those living in other countries. Celeste’s attitude combined with her stunning looks will open up more doors than she realizes. There are plenty of attractive people in this business and remember your attitude means a lot in the industry. Magazines and photographers don’t want to work with beautiful people who are a pain in the ass. There are plenty of attractive faces who aren’t difficult and negative.

Think before complaining, tearing down fellow competitors and pointing fingers at others when you aren’t happy with yourself. We’re all a little guilty of being negative at times but remind yourself it could always be worse and be thankful for what you have.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.