Look for the August 2008 issue of IRONMAN magazine which should be hitting shelves soon. Arnold is on the cover, which usually leads to higher sales and bodes well for this issue’s HARDBODY. IFBB Figure Pro and spokes model for BodyWell Nutrition, Kristal Richardson has six full page photos in this August issue and she looks great.

I had the chance to shoot with Kristal a few years ago and we shot again at the West Palm Beach show last year. It’s been fun to see Kristal improve as a model and she really can turn it on for the camera. I look back on the photos we took the first time and man some were terrible but some were good. The first time we shot it was only her second shoot and admittedly I was still shooting like I was blind. Kidding. She’s become a great model by shooting with top photographers over the last couple of years and worked at her modeling skills which has made her a better model. I have to remind myself of the same thing, the more I shoot the better I get or at least in theory. Kristal is a beautiful woman and a total sweetheart. Anyone who has met her knows she’s a pleasure to be around and her husband Tom is a stand up guy. A husband and wife team that are good people.

Below is a photo from the magazine, the photos were taken be Michael Neveux of IRONMAN magazine.

One of six photos feature in the August Ironman.

Congratulations Kristal. You may see Kristal working the BodyWell Nutrition booth at various shows and when I spoke with her last month she had her sights set on the Jacksonville Pro show.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.