Celeste Gonzalez Heads to Houston

Celeste Gonzalez will make the long trip from the Canary Islands of Spain to the United States once again. This time she’s looking to show the judges her improvements since the California Pro Figure contest. Celeste will be competing in the IFBB Houston Pro Figure show next weekend and is excited to take the stage. I caught up with Celeste one week out from the contest…

Celeste Conzalez the day after the California Pro.

What are your goals for the Houston Pro Show?
The Houston Pro is going to be one of the MOST IMPORTANT championships of my sports career. It’s all going to be new to me. I really feel like if it’s the first time I compete because I’m starting a new phase in my professional life. I have changed absolutely everything: my diet, my training, my suits, everything.

I would like the judges to see that I am really making an effort to improve and get to be in the track of the Figure that they demand for the competitors. It is very difficult to come from so far away and not obtain the desired results, that’s why I always have a POSITIVE ATTITUDE in every show. Every time I compete I learn so much and I try to make the best of myself.

My main objective in this occasion is to try and stand out amongst the ten first competitors. That would be like winning my personal target.

I know this will take time but I will keep on working hard to be in the top five some day.

How do people outside of the United States view figure competitions? Do they wish they could do it and like your look?

I think that people from outside the USA see us like an example to follow. Clearly, the Amreican competitors’ level is the best with no doubt, so the ones that come from outside, like me, should follow the example and their guidelines. It’s a privilege for me to compete in the United States and I wish to gain good qualifications and have the American level.

The physical criteria are different, because in Europe, for example, girls look different… they have more muscular harshness. I hope that one day this will change and the criteria are unified.

Did your manager eat all of his cheesecake?
Do you remember? I will never be able to forget those enormous and delicious cakes! We were all puzzled when we saw Jose buy all those pieces of cake! Although he didn’t eat them all, he enjoyed them just looking at them! I’m dying to eat one of those delicious pieces of cake after the Houston Pro!

Celeste attacking the cakes in California.

Thanks Celeste and best of luck to you in Houston.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.