Costa Confirms – NPC USAs It Is

Jamie Costa sat out the Jr. Nationals last weekend but will be returning to the stage at the 2008 NPC USA Championships. Jamie will be a top threat to the A Class figure as she’s streamlined her physique immensely from last year. She placed 11th at USAs in 2007 and in 08 she’s presented an entirely different look. Costa won the A Class in Charleston and aims to repeat the victory in a few weeks. As you can see from the photos below Jamie has a completely different look and the new version suits her well.

Jamie Costa has her sights set on next month’s NPC USAs.

Jamie at the 2007 USAs. As you can see she’s listened to the judges
and toned down the hardness for 2008.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.