Shelley Hillesheim – “No rest for the fitness obsessed”

Shelley Hillesheim has found success on the NPC figure stage and isn’t about to look back now. She’s notched another win in her belt by taking top honors in her class at the Master’s Nationals. This mother of two proves that you can accomplish anything you set out to do. She’s an attractive lass who has her sights set on this weekend’s USA Figure Championships. I caught up with Shelly days before leaving for Sin City.

How did it feel to win your class at your first national show?
It felt AMAZING to win my class at my very first national show! Part of my ‘mental game’ for competing is to walk into a show believing that I will win, so I had set an expectation for myself going in. It is always nice to actually fulfill that expectation (and hope). By the way, winning two overall championship titles at a local level in each of the two months prior definitely increased my confidence level going into nationals.

You’re a mom, right? How challenging is it to compete with kids?
Yes, I am a mom. I have two kids – a 5 yr old boy and a 3 yr old girl. It can feel incredibly challenging to juggle the day-to-day family needs with the demands of a serious figure competitor. However, as I better learn to incorporate more of those demands into my life as a true ‘lifestyle’, it feels more balanced and natural. The family is getting used to me exercising a certain number of hours a day and eating foods that they don’t eat. It seems more normal as I continue to compete. It is becoming who I am.

What are your goals for USAs?
Primary goal – win my class and go pro!
Ancillary goal(s) – make viable contacts in the industry to gain exposure for fitness modeling and potential sponsorship opportunities. I’ll be ready at hand with my new comp cards.

Shelley looking to make an impact in Vegas.

How difficult has it been to do as many shows as you have done and continue to have success?
I did my first show this year in May. I’ve done one about every four weeks since. In July, I’m doing two shows back-to-back (one weekend after another). I also have my sights set on another show in September. It has actually proved to be a good pace for me. It’s keeping me focused and on track. Plus, I am sure that winning is helping with continued motivation and momentum. As the saying goes, “success breeds success.” This is true for me.

What words of encouragement do you have for other “masters” women thinking of competing but afraid to do so?
It doesn’t matter your age …know what you want, why you are doing it and do whatever it takes to get it, even when it hurts. My trainer told me early in my time with her that ‘every day counts.’ In this sport, I believe that to be completely true. Everyone trains and competes for different reasons. Simply know YOUR reasons and maintain focus on that reason. Every day that you ponder if you should compete, you are wasting a day of training.

Thanks Shelley and best wishes in Vegas!

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.