Checking in with NPC Figure Contender Alicia “Smiley” Harris

I caught up with one of the top contenders in the NPC USA Figure Championships, Alicia Harris. If you missed my mini-profile on Alicia after the 2008 NPC Jr Nationals, check it out here on hardbody. Alicia made the trip to Las Vegas earlier in the week and is happy to be out of the Chicago humidity.

When I chat with competitors before a show they are usually talking about being tired, hungry or anxious. Ms. Harris on the other hand mentioned no of the above. What was Smiley concentrating on last night? A class paper. Yep, she was finishing a school paper for her sports marketing class. Carb depletion was no excuse to continue on about her daily life. It’s always refreshing to hear a competitor not forget to have a little balance in their life while preparing for a show. Don’t let that fool you though, she is still a focused and determined competitor.

Alicia Harris at the ’08 Jr. Nationals.

When asked if she did anything different this time around she and said, “Not really, I just continued to train hard. I’m just going to go out there, have fun and do my best”.

A great attitude to match the top notch physique. Look for Alicia in the Figure D Class when the ladies hit the stage for the Friday night pre-jduging.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.