Updates from Cleveland

The show is about to begin in Cleveland. Stay tuned for updates today through out the show. Photos will be posted here after prejudging.

I hit some morning cardio at the hotel gym and who do I see but top figure Olympian, Jenn Gates. Jenn was doing a circuit cardio session before this morning’s prejudging. She looks great and definitely on track to do well at the Atlantic City show. She’s here in Cleveland working the booth for JM Manion’s IRON SIRENS comic book. Ms. Figure Olympia Jenny Lynn is also sitting at the booth along with writer/co-creator Ian Ascher. Issue # 3 debut here and it is pretty kick ass. If you’re interested in ordering it you can do so here. I’ll post up some drawings and pages from the newest issue soon.

The airline lost Jenn’s luggage and it didn’t arrive until this morning. A reminder to all of you traveling you never know what may happen with the airlines. Pack your suits with ya if you’re competing. Now that I’ve provided my travel tip for the day, it’s time to get to prejudging.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.