Fitness/Figure Reality Show?

Rumors have been circulating and lots of speculation on there being a reality show featured around fitness and figure competitors. There’s been a couple attempts at this in the past without much luck. I confirmed with IFBB Pro Jane Awad that there is in fact a show in the works. When I caught up with Jane she tells me that she is the co-executive producer for the show. It is with Warner Bros, Hand Picked Films and Destiny Productions. Casting will be taking place at the Olympia and eight lucky women will be chosen for the show.

The show is being tentatively called “Pumping Divas”. Once casting is complete, a pilot will be filmed. The final step in the process is selling the show to a network. Everyone involved has very high hopes because Tony Romano (a renowned filmmaker who produced movies such as “I Robot” and “Catch Me If You Can”), David Krieff and Mark Wolper of Warner Bros. Studios. If all goes as planned the show will be seen on a network in 2009.

** The casting call is not an open call. The participants have already been selected and it will be narrowed down from the ones invited to attend the casting. If the show is picked up there will be an opportunity for others in the future.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.