Lean Times Lead to Lean Bodies?

We’ve all heard about the economic crunch. We’ve all felt it in some fashion this year. Earlier in the year it was gas prices, now there are a number of things from budget cuts to unemployment. Do these tough times mean people will scale back how much they eat? Doubtful. Most will turn to comfort foods and usually in excess.

Only have a few bucks? Many people think they’ll get more bang for their buck hitting the nearest all-you-can-eat buffet than visit the local health food store. Sure this may not apply to many of you reading this as you are health conscious, however you most likely have friends, family, co-workers or clients who fall into this trap. Encourage them to be smarter in 2009 about their health and fitness.

Many of us make some type of resolution to get back in shape, get into better shape or eat healthier. If you’re one of the resolutioners or know someone who is check out the New Year’s Guide by Bodybuilding.com. It has a great list of helpful tips.

Don’t use the tough economy as excuse to cancel your gym membership or resort to cheap comfort food. Take the time to invest in yourself and you could find a leaner body in these lean economic times.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.