Cheryl Brown Throwdown Part II

Cheryl Brown, whom I like to called “Brownie Figure Momma” was in attendance at the 2009 Arnold Expo. She could be spotted signing autographs and taking photos at the American Body Plus (ABP) booth. ABP used to be Southern Muscle Plus. Brownie Momma is feature on the current cover of the publication.

Cheryl Brown on the current cover of AMP.
I met Brownie Momma for the first time at last years NPC Nationals. She was a bit clueless as to who anyone was or what was going on but she did it with confidence. It was actually very amusing to see her backstage hamming it up. She was busting my chops about something in which, of course, I did the same back. By the end of the weekend we were razzing each other like two siblings with too much time on their hands. Brownie proceeded to choke me for a photo op as well as try to beat me with her trophy. Last weekend we had a chance to throwdown again in the Arnold Expo and Rob was there to catch the action.
Brownie going below the belt!

Cheryl is a fun sport and you’ll be seeing her on the National NPC stage again this year. Watch out for her, in more ways than one. Check out more news on and thanks for the awesome cookies this weekend Shannon!

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.