First Lady Michelle Obama Too Buff?

The First Lady has been causing quite a stir in the media with her toned up arms. It’s baffling to me how people can see this as a bad thing. The LA Times ran a story today about the frenzy surrounding the debate.

Her curvy biceps have become something of a lightning rod for remarks from both sexes in a larger discussion of how much female muscle constitutes too much. While some praise Obama as a role model in a world gone obese, others say she’s gone too far in displaying the fruit of her workouts. Read one online forum comment: “There is nothing uglier than manly, muscular arms on a woman. Mrs. Obama should be hiding them instead of showing them off.”

I say great she should do more of it. What you you think? Read the full story here.

Thanks to Millard Baker via Twitter for the story link.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.