Hardbody’s Tuesday Tips – 5 Ways You Might Be A Pain in The Ass

We’ll be starting a new segment each day of the week, beginning today.

5 Ways You Might Be a Pain in the Ass.
1. Complaining about your placing. The only person truly happy with their placing is the one who wins first and/or the overall title. Complaining about where you place does nothing but make you look like a sore loser. If you are unhappy it’s understandable but do it with your close family/friends. Don’t do it on stage, backstage or to others at the show.

2. Blaming others for how you look. If you came into a show and weren’t your best it happens. If you came to a photo shoot and were out of shape don’t pass the blame. Same goes for if you show up for a shoot and are over-dieted and depleted. It’s your body and your responsibility to take ownership of it. If your make-up isn’t how you like it – tell the person before you go on stage, not after a show and blame him/her for how it look after the fact. If it’s not working out with a trainer then leave. If you decide to take some type of enhancements for a competition that’s your choice but when you start having a voice deeper than your husband or boyfriend, it’s still your responsibility.

3. Not showing up or canceling for photo shoots. Pick up the phone and call if it’s the day of a shoot and you can’t make it. Same goes for those of you who are photographers – don’t cancel shoots on models and not let them know. Sometimes things happen on both sides of the coin. It’s part of life. A little common courtesy goes along way if something should come up.

4. Whining about how much money it costs to compete. Guess what?! Everything costs money. If you’re a golfer you spend money on green fees, clubs, shoes, gloves and balls. You’re a fisherman you have a license, boat, bait, pole, reel, tackle and more. Every one who competes has experienced what it costs to do so. No one wants to hear you piss and moan about what it costs to compete. Yes, I’ve competed. Twice. I know what it costs. Oh, okay so I didn’t have to buy a fancy posing suit but it’s part of the biz.

5. Emailing/texting/calling industry photographers, writers, art directors & supplement companies only when you want something.
It makes you look bad and people will not want to work with you. I know because I experience it weekly and I know others in the industry do as well. Don’t pretend to be all buddy-buddy when all you want is a contact to a supplement company or a magazine. It’s okay to market yourself but don’t contact people only when you want/need something from them. Try building a relationship beyond what they can do for you but make it genuine and not based on their position in the industry.

I’m sure there are more than five ways you can be a pain in the ass but these are the five that I witness time and time again.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.