Flex Heats Things Up with Their Swimsuit Issue

The hottest FLEX swimsuit issue to date is on newsstands now. IFBB Pros Nicole Wilkins-Lee and Felicia Romero along with top NPC competitor Monique Minton grace the cover. The folks at WEIDER Publications agreed with the majority of you on the cover selection. Sixy-eight percent of you thought this was the winning cover in our poll. The cover and inside swimsuit photos were shot by one of the top industry photographers, Terry Goodlad.

FLEX swimsuit issue on sale now!

I’m told there will be a few behind-the-scenes videos from the shoot that will be online soon. Check the FLEXonline.com web site for those in the coming days. Congrats to all the women in issue and to FLEX for featuring the women of the industry on their cover.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.