Muscle Milk is For Babies?

If you pick up any current muscle magazine you’ll likely to see the new ad campaign from VPX Sports advertising MUSCLE POWER. The ad has a number of people talking but is it for the right reasons? Some would say any publicity is good publicity. It’s not often people talk about supplement ads, as they generally all look the same. This ad certainly doesn’t look the same but is that a good thing?

Taking on an industry leader in advertising is nothing new. Coke vs Pepsi. Bud vs. Miller. Ford vs. Chevy. VPX has taken that approach with their ad directly targeting Muscle Milk. Industry leaders (which Muscle Milk is and has been) are used to other brands targeting them. How they are being targeted raises some questions.

VPX ad targeting Muscle Milk.

The ad shows a baby nursing on a mother’s breast with the copy reading, “Muscle Milk is for Babies. Muscle Power is for Men!” I’m far from a prude but personally, I find the ad offensive. In my opinion, using an image of a nursing baby to sell your product shows lack of creativity. If Muscle Milk is for babies and Muscle Power is for men, what about women?

VPX also takes a risky move in their package design. The fonts and the packaging itself look very, very similar to Muscle Milk. I understand there are only so many packages that can be used for drinks but the design and look of it has free reign. One can only assume this is an attempt to cause confusion for the consumer. The ad shows the two products side by side and furthers my point.

Page 2 of the new MUSCLE POWER ad.

I’m not a math whiz but how can you have “600% Less Sugar”? If you said 1/2 as much or 1/4 as much ok but what formula is used to support a claim of 600% Less? I’m just ask’n. Don’t forget there is 200% more Fiber. Great so if I am reading this right, it won’t taste as sweet and you’ll being looking for a toilet twice as much.


Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.