How did I fair in my predictions?

I wrote my thoughts and predictions on the NPC USA Bikini prejudging on Friday night. So how did I fair? Let’s take a look…

My picks:
Bikini A

1) Michele D’Angona
2) Angela Harrell
3) Alicia Meza

Actual Results:
Bikini A
1) Michele D’Angona
2) Angela Harrell
3) Alicia Meza

My picks:
Bikini B
1) Michelle Gullett
2) Jacquelyn Geringer
3) Sheyla Solano

Actual Results:
Bikini B
1) Michelle Gullett
2) Sheyla Solano
3) Jacquelyn Geringer


My picks:
Bikini C
1) Kristal Marshall
2) Toby Tokunaga
3) Andrea Taylor

Actual Results:
Bikini C
1) Kristal Marshall
2) Toby Tokunaga
3) Kelly Willis
** Andrea placed 4th

My picks:
Bikini D
1) Amanda Latona
2) Mary Jarmolowich
3) Kat Holmes

Actual Results:
Bikini D
1) Amanda Latona
2) Mary Jarmolowich
3) Tisha Des Marteau
** Kat Holmes placed 4th


My picks:
Bikini E
1) Jaime Baird
2) Dianna Dahlgren
3) Maysa Quy

Actual Results:
Bikini E
1) Jaime Baird
2) Dianna Dahlgren
3) Maysa Quy
** Dianna placed 4th. She tied with Maysa with 15 points and Natalie edged both out with 14 points. Very close!

Bikini F
My picks:
1) Monique Minton
2) Brendy Scheerer
3) Tricia Montoya

Actual picks:
1) Monique Minton
2) Brendy Scheerer
3) Tricia Montoya

Toot toot goes my horn. Not too shabby in the predictions for this show. Check out the full results from the NPC USA bikini here.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.