Four Years ago…”Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan Fugitives on the Run”

Four years ago, Kelly Ryan and Craig Titus were making national news. Kelly was one of the top Fitness Pros in the world, known for her high-flying routines. Her husband Craig was one of the “Bad Boys” of bodybuilding and controversy always seemed to be around him in some fashion. Many of you knew them well, others of you may have seen them in the magazines and if you’re new to the industry you may not know them at all. 

Kelly and Craig years ago. 


The story of Craig and Kelly becoming fugitives took many twists and turns. It was four years ago that the two of them were accused of murdering Melissa James. It’s a terrible story that still baffles everyone who followed it. You can read about the entire tragedy and follow how it unfolded on

Kelly could be getting out of prison in the next couple of years. Craig will most likely never be a free man again. The saddest part of this entire story is that Maura James will never get to spend another Christmas with her daughter, Melissa.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.