Canadian Bikini Competitors Awarded An Additional IFBB Professional League Card

Good news for bikini competitors in Canada. The following note was posted on

The CBBF is very excited to announce that an additional IFBB Professional League card will be provided at the 2010 CBBF Natural Physique Championships, being held in Laval, QC and promoted by our good friend Joe Spinello.

At our 2009 AGM it was unanimously passed that an IFBB Pro card be provided to the overall Body Fitness (FIGURE) champion and the overall FITNESS champion. After conversations with the promoter and the CBBF executive the additional IFBB Pro card will be provided to the overall BIKINI champion.

However, it will be up to the provincial associations to determine whether the bikini athletes may enter this event, as some do have qualifying events for bikini athletes.

The bikini division, as of yet, is not an IFBB Amateur Worlds category, so this division is being added to the Natural Physique Championships to provide the opportunity for athletes who are entering this sport to participate for an IFBB Pro card.

I’m not totally clear on how it all works in Canada but with an additional pro card being awarded more women will have the opportunity to become an IFBB Pro.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.