Paulin Nordin Gets Hardbody in New AST Ads

IFBB Pro Paulin Nordin is a no-nonsense kind of woman. She speaks her mind and tells it as she sees it on her blog, Pauline has a hardbody physique to match her personality. Check out AST Sports Science‘s new ads feature Pauline’s rock’n physique. AST typically uses men in their ads but not this time and I applaud the move. Look for these ads in a variety of fitness and bodybuilding magazines. I like the headline “Fuel Your Dedication”. Conceptually it works and hits the point home right away. Props to Pavell Ythjall for a job well done with the photography.

Those of you wondering if the 90lb. dumbbell is real… it is.



Congrats Pauline and props to AST for using a hardbody female in their ads. I use their multi-vitamin and it’s great. Any of you use their products?

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.