Erin Stern’s Countdown to C-bus. Things are Getting Hairy


The last two weeks of contest prep are the toughest…mentally and physically. I cut calories this week, and my brain feels fuzzy. I’ve been writing down tasks, so I don’t forget..and I’m feeling tired. The weight workouts have been mostly super-sets for upper body, though I’m still doing a heavy leg day and a functional lifting/plyo/power leg day. I am working toward maintaining more size in my legs..and yes, fighting the urge to roll out of bed to do steady-state cardio for 45 minutes on an empty stomach. I have been eating a small meal, like a shake and a few rice cakes, then heading to the track, a field, or running stadiums in the mornings. With the two-a-days and dropping a few pounds, I’m not as strong in the weight room…and I feel like a wuss (even if I am starting to look shredded)!

With training seemingly in check, I thought it would be smooth sailing until the show – wishful thinking! I’m 5 egg whites away from just flipping my head upside-down and “Aqua Netting” the crap out of it on competition day! I have scoured every beauty supply place in town for hair extensions, barrettes, or some way to style my hair, and nada…no luck. I spent an hour and a half in one store, going outside with “the hair” and a mirror to see if I could find something that matched. The girl behind the counter held up a weave and said, “no problem, this is the color for you..all you have to do is sew it in.” Seriously? Where’s my can of Aqua Net? It shouldn’t be this difficult!

I received my suits in the mail on Saturday…I eagerly ripped into the package and…they’re gorgeous! After the hair fiasco, I breathe a sigh of relief. The two piece fits like a glove. The one piece (panic attack in 3…2…1) is too small!!!! On the verge of tears, I email the girl who makes the suits and we’re trying to figure out what to do. She reassures me it’s going to be ok, and that she has time to fix it. The rational non-dieting person in me believes her…but the dieter in me is freaking out. It’s crazy how calorie-cutting can create life or death situations out of minor issues. It’s going to be an interesting week…

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.