G’s Tip of the Week – The After Show


As the heart of the competition season approaches and the Arnold is right around the corner, I wanted to share an important and key post contest tip. Remember when coming off a show to ease off of your program, slowly decreasing your cardio and slowly increasing foods and calories. If you do change things gradually and continue working out, eating clean and staying active, you will have no problems with coming off your contest prep and into lifestyle living! It is when you go from hero to zero that you may run into problems. Remember gradually come off your program and ease back into real life slow and steady to minimize any crazy increase in water and weight gain. Best of luck during the 2010 competition season!

“When a man is sufficiently motivated, discipline will take care of itself.”
– Sir Alexander Paterson 

Gina Aliotti
IFBB Figure Professional

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.