Pregnancy With Dre – The Little Voice

Andrea Taylor checks in with her latest Fit Pregnancy Journal. She’s expecting her first child and is sharing some of the challenges of staying fit while being pregnant here on


When we train, we constantly compete with ourselves. That crazy voice in our heads does not let us slow down when we’re tempted to, plus we know that dreaded feeling when we realize that we could’ve worked harder. It’s tough to change your mindset from “the competitor” to “the mommy” when you’re pregnant!

For the first 5 months, I trained as usual- and felt great! I was starting to think this pregnancy thing was easy. . .until one night when Micah (hubby) and I went out for our normal run. About 1 mile into the run, my legs felt like they weighed 100 pounds each! And breathing? Forget it! I felt so lame and out of shape! I didn’t give in at first- no thank you! I spend hours every day yelling at my clients not to stop what they’re doing, push through the pain, focus on your breathing . . . I quickly learned this probably shouldn’t apply to me at 5 months pregnant. I simply could not run anymore. I threw my hands up, took a deep breath and said “I can’t go anymore. I give up.” Yup, the loser words. I said ‘em.

Micah stopped, held onto both of my shoulders, stared directly into my eyes and said “Honey, YOU’RE PREGNANT.” Thanks coach- I needed that! He laughed at my frustration and we enjoyed a nice stroll until I felt good again. After that it was all run/walk intervals (C’mon! Us Hardbodies don’t go down without a fight!).

When we shared my story of wretched defeat with the doctor she also had a laugh! She said there’s not a point in a pregnancy that a doctor can tell an active person that this is the time for them to stop. Instead, we have to listen to our bodies. Oh. . .ok. . listen to our bodies. So, when we feel like we can’t go on, then don’t? Little does she know about the voice I have to compete with!

Bottom line for us pregos: don’t be stubborn and make your body scream at you before you start to listen to it. Forget the voice- tell it to go play on the freeway until the little miracle is here- then it can come back with a vengeance!

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.