Trish Warren Arnold Interview

David Robson caught up with IFBB Fitness Pro Trish Warren as she heads into the Fitness International. There’s nothing really new or earth-shattering revealed in the interview but it’s worth checking out if you’re not familiar with Trish and her background.


DR: How did you take your placement at last year’s Olympia? Did it give you greater motivation for the 2010 season?
TW: I was disappointed but not discouraged. Sometimes you have to take a step back to go two steps ahead. I am more motivated than I have ever been! I have worked very hard since the Olympia to tone down my muscularity and bring the best physique to Columbus.

DR: What aspects of you routine and physique will capture the judge’s attention and give you an edge come March in Columbus?
TW: I think it will be both my routine and physique! I have listened to the judge’s critiques after the Olympia and worked diligently to fix them! I guess it’s up to them to decide if I did my homework!

Read the complete interview here.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.