Dianna Dahlgren’s Monday Modeling Tip – Pamper Yourself

The current cover girl of Muscle & Fitness Hers, Dianna Dahlgren shares another modeling tip.


Hope everyone is doing great!

Now ladies a serious matter here! Modeling always isn’t the greatest life. I know, hard to believe right? Like…Travel, delays, to and from, basically hurry up and wait. Girls can get stressed within seconds so this is very important for me to say. Be a little selfish! You come first…PLEASE PAMPER YOURSELF! Since I am also working out constantly I have to remind myself to do something for me once a week or I will go bonkers! Do things like go get a massage!! ahhhhh after working alot… this is what I LOVE TO DO or pedicure and manicure… MMMM ask em to go extra tough on the massage part! haha, or every night relax before you go to sleep and JOURNAL! My journal is filled with my thoughts and headaches! This is very important cause if you have worked hard… you need a sighhhhh of relief once in a while! Now get to pampering girls!!


Dianna with her Muscle & Fitness hers cover.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.