Dianna’s Monday Modeling Tip – Castings and Callbacks

It’s that time of the week again. Muscle & Fitness Hers cover girl, Dianna Dahlgren shares another Monday Modeling Tip.


It is most important to be prepared when going to a casting or when you receive a callback! You want to be prepared at ALL times! Make sure you have your portfolio, comp cards, business cards, agent/ manager information, availability, etc. ALL HANDLED. What happens if you get a call back then you are booked for the shoot date? No point in going then! Always get details from your agent or manager, or point of contact on what the job is. If its a sporty job, then go casual and make sure to have a sports bra and shorts so they can have a better idea of your body. If its a business booking, then go in slacks, button up and heels! Remember appearance is always important!

Good luck everyone!

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.