Gina Aliotti’s G-Tip of the Week: Always Be Prepared

As I pack and prepare to leave for Cabo for my wedding, I am checking things off my packing list.  Even though we are staying at an all inclusive resort, don’t think that is going to mean I am not bringing my essentials.  This weeks tip is to “Always be prepared!”


Regardless of where you are headed or what you “think” will be available, you must always be prepared with your dry, “can’t ever go wrong” essentials such as your protein powder, almonds, and healthy bars!  Preparation is the key to success!  Hey, did you know that the reason oatmeal tastes so good in Mexico is because they use cream instead of water to prepare it? Yes, that is why I always leave the house prepared and ready with my healthy essentials! You never know what you are getting into, especially when leaving the country!

Gina Aliotti
IFBB Figure Pro

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.