G’s Tip of the Week – Prepare in Advance

IFBB Figure Pro Gina Aliotti’s Tip of the week…be prepared if you’re serious about fitness. Check it out.


With so many of us on the go all the time, whether we are traveling or just going through our daily lives, it is so important to prepare your meals, in advance, and carry them with you at all times! If you are serious about your fitness goals, this is going to be the key to your long term success… preparation! Now, no matter how prepared you may be with your meals perfectly weighed out and in their fancy dancy Tupperware containers, things still happen and you may find yourself without a meal! I highly suggest for these emergency situations, you keep a tub of protein powder in your car or a Ziploc bag of protein powder in your glove compartment! You never know when you may be out longer than you think, food could go bad or something else can come up! Better to be prepared and always have that convenient protein powder on hand! 🙂
Gina Aliotti

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.