TV Interviews… Are You Prepared?

IFBB Figure Pro Raechelle Chase recently appeared on a New Zealand tv show to discuss the ins-and-outs of being a Pro Figure competitor. Props to her for battling Laryngitis and appearing on the show.

That being said… after watching this clip, I can’t help but wonder how well prepared women are before they go on TV for an interview.

The reporter did a good job of researching the industry and different divisions. He came prepared and asked a variety of pretty simple questions. He asked, what is a professional figure competitor ? I don’t know that people watching this would have a clue unless they were already familiar with it. When asked how it (figure) differs from bodybuilding, Raechelle mentions staying very feminine a couple of times. It seems that her response implies that female bodybuilders are not feminine. I don’t know whether that was her intention or not but it’s a perception many people do have, including fellow IFBB pros. The reporter went on to ask what is the difference between pro bikini and pro figure. Raechelle says, “to be honest I don’t even really know the difference between pro bikini and pro figure.”


Raechelle Chase on a New Zealand TV show.

She does do a good job of mentioning the magazine cover she is (or will be) on and that she’ll be reading a part for a movie role. Always a good thing to mention things you have going on and magazines love when you mention their name on tv.

I realize many my remarks may sound a bit critical of Raechelle’s appearance however I mention this to bring awareness to the topic of doing interviews. It’s not an easy thing for most people to do, especially on television. You work hard in the gym and diet your butts off, don’t belittle your efforts when it comes time to talk about them. Also show consideration to the other competition divisions when speaking to mainstream media. I’ve heard bodybuilders put figure competitors down during interviews and visa versa. Now that bikini is part of the IFBB, it’s a question that you may get asked. Often times less is more when it comes to a response. How many times have you been nervous, not known the answer to a question but you keep talking? We all have a time or two.

Again, I know it’s easier said than done but it’s something to think about before you do a tv interview. How would you respond to the questions Raechelle was asked and are you prepared to do a tv interview? Watch the entire interview here.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.