Want to be a fitness model? Here’s a few helpful tips

Modeling. Many of you want to do it and many of you think you can do it. If that’s what you want to do then go for it but remember a few things along the way.

Just because you compete doesn’t make you a “fitness model”. Modeling is more than just a hardbody and/or a pretty face. It takes work and lots of practice before a woman becomes a top model.

Remember the first time you tried riding a bike? You weren’t popping wheelies and hauling ass. You likely fell and scraped your knees a few times. Did you quit or did you get back on the bike and try it again until you “got it”? Compare that to modeling. If you want to be in a magazine you have to practice posing and that means from head to toe. Know your body and what angles work for you. Sometimes you’ll shoot with a photographer who will give you little to no direction. If you’ve practiced and know what angles are flattering to your body you won’t freak out and look like a deer in the headlights while shooting with someone that gives you little direction.

On the opposite side of the coin, don’t think you know it all and act live a diva when on a shoot. I’ve shot with some women who took a modeling camp and thought they were hot stuff. The problem was they didn’t take the direction I was giving and thought they knew better. The photos reflected that and they weren’t as good as they could have been.

How you pose your face is every bit as important as your body. Whatever you are thinking will show in your photos. If you’re pissed and having a bad day, you’ll likely look like a grump unless you’re able to block it out. Practice in a mirror with how to communicate with your eyes. Yes, it might sound corny but it will help you. Take note on which side of your face is more flattering for you. One HUGE mistake I see is women thinking that pouting their lips is sexy. MEH! The duckbill lip pose is NOT HOT. Don’t do it. **When I say pouting I meant scrunching together. “Pouty Lips” are sexy  but “Scrunchy lips” are not.

Scrunchy lips.

Keep a scrapbook of photos you like. I have a digital and physical scrapbook of photos I like. I make notes on why I like them. It can be anything… the hair, makeup, pose or lighting. Whatever it may be this can help you with your modeling. That doesn’t mean take a photo to a photographer and try to copy it. Use it for inspiration but not duplication. Study what is good. Don’t study crap. Just because it was shot in a professional studio doesn’t mean it is a professional photo. The same holds true for published photos. Even though a photo may be in a magazine that doesn’t mean it is a good photo. Some magazines publish horrible photos.

Shoot with photographers whose work you like. Don’t shoot with someone just because they have a big lense. Some photographers will tell you they will submit their work to magazines. That’s great but ask them if they are published and if you can see some of their published work. Any photographer can submit to a magazine but that doesn’t mean they have a working relationship with the magazine.

There’s a lot to cover on being a model and many more points I could discuss. They are just a few tips that might help you along the way.

Do you have a specific question you’d like addressed? Email me at isaac@ hardbody.com or post it in the comments below.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.