Dianna’s Monday Modeling Tip – Keep it Classy Ladies

Hello again everyone. This week’s tip is pretty simple but a good one… be professional! I say this quite a bit but I mean it in every aspect.


Here’s some examples of being unprofessional, so stay away from these scenarios! When a spokesmodel goes out to work at events, tradeshows, shoots, etc., most likely there is going to be a party afterward.

What would you do?
A) Go out and enjoy the free drinks… end up getting drunk.
B) Take a pass on the booze and stay sober.

Remember, you’ll likely you will be working again in the morning time and alcohol has a huge effect on not only how you feel but how you will look the next day. Many times on the 3rd day of an event I have seen models show up an hour or two late. All because they had a little too much fun the night before.  If you are on the job and around the people that you are working with stay professional. It’s okay to go out for a little bit and have a drink (meaning one not ten) if you can handle it but don’t feel pressured to stay out all night. You’ll look and feel better the next day.


Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.