Kathleen Tesori Newest Muscle & Fitness Hers Cover Girl

IFBB Figure Pro Kathleen Tesori is the newest competitor to grace the cover of Muscle & Fitness Hers. She’s rock’n the July/August 2010 issue with a set of kettle bells and looking hardbody.

If you haven’t checked out the new look to Muscle & Fitness Hers, you’re missing out. The redesign is chalked full of great content with a kick ass new look. In this issue you’ll see IFBB Pros Kristal Richardson, Kristi Tauti, Monique Minton, Alicia Harris, Tracey Greenwood, Nicole Wilkins-Lee, Stacey Oster-Thompson, Adela Garcia, Monica Mark-Escalante, Nathalia Melo, Tianna Ta, Pauline Nordin and cover girl Kathleen Tesori! There’s also contest coverage and my “TWISTS & TURNS” column. Check it out to see my behind-the-scenes photos from the first stateside IFBB Bikini pro show.

July/August 2010 – featuring Kathleen Tesori.

This issue looks awesome and the bar has been raised for other fitness magazines. Subscribers have received their issue in the mail but others will have to wait until next week for it to hit stores. Props to all involved in this issue, great work.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.