Kathleen’s Jacksonville Wrap-Up

IFBB Figure Pro Kathleen Tesori shares her thoughts on her Jacksonville Pro experience.


Improvements and Judging
I made my own prediction on how I would do after pre-judging.  After getting feedback, checking out the physiques backstage and thinking about my own performance I placed myself about 10th and ended up taking 13th. So as for me the judges were spot on and I was just fine with my placing. I improved two placings from the Phoenix show and this show had a much deeper line up.

I have a fair share of improvements to make… My legs and glutes needed to come in a bit tighter, my suit bottoms were big (every detail counts when competition is tight) and my posing was awkward and stiff.

I made major improvements from the Phoenix Pro and felt like I created an “awe” factor in the crowd so I completed two of my goals while at the show. I met many new competitors and got to hang with my friends which is MY favorite part about competing. Meeting the competitors and making a personal connections makes following the sport that much better!

For me following the sport of bikini and figure is like having a fantasy football team or something! I cannot wait to see what happens at the Olympia this year.

Cheat Meal
The night after the show I went to the Cheesecake Factory. For some this is normal but for me this was my first time. I had a few bites of two different flavors of cheesecakes (Red Velvet & Adams Peanut Butter) and they were both delicious. I have always hated cheesecake but both flavors were yummy. I returned home on Sunday, after a 12 hour travel day, I went out for some clean sushi but included a bottle of Saki!!!  I also ate a whole can of my favorite corn!

That is all she wrote for me – I see the weeks after competing as a “clean slate “ a “fresh start”. It is like completing a cleanse and I do not want to see all my hard work go down the drain in a few days.

Slow and steady… I am doing almost the same amount of cardio this week as I was doing just before the show. Each week I will keep adjusting the cardio sessions down until I get to my normal routine.  This helps my body adjust and allows me to keep the competition look.

This week I am doing two hard workout days and two days of fun classes. Each week I will add a workout back in until I get to my normal routine.  I like to get right back into the gym after a show.  I may not jump back into training right away but like to keep some type of routine going.  I am drinking tons of water and electrolytes to help my body recover from my water depletion.  I am staying pretty clean this week and each week will slowly add new items to my diet.

Post Competition Skin
I finally found a way to get the tanner off using www.bodybuilding.com. Baby oil, a bath and bath gloves are the magical ingredients!  The tanner does not come completely off but it gets to a color that is much better than not using the above ingredients. Wish I would have known about the baby oil trick sooner.

Hope you have enjoyed my journals.

Make it a great day!

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.