Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Gets Hardbody

Last night 34 women rocked the runway at the 2010 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. These women were stunning however a few people felt they were “too skinny”. Those of you who are fans of muscle will likely share that sentiment. Personally, I thought it was AWESOME. I didn’t see any women who were disgustingly thin and a few women could hold their own in bikini. Yes, they would need to be a little tighter in the booty/thigh but hey they still looked good.

Competitors, especially Bikini competitors could learn from these models. Notice how they take the stage and walk with sexy, confidence. THAT is the type of confident presentation that the NPC/IFBB Bikini division is looking for, at least in my opinion. The production of this show was bad ass and if you didn’t catch it last night you can watch the entire show on


Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.